
IIT MADRAS CAMPUS OCT 2019, Copyright @thegranddaughtersmusings

The long conversations between two friends at the end of the day to the dead of the night with the wind on their faces is one of the most poetic of moments.

Search & Found

You left your shoes somewhere Somewhere in the dark Oh yes they were new Pretty like your heart You stumble across the wind They were yours, they were yours Would the dark throw them back They never show you slack You find yourself searching For shoes all seasons long Set up Holmes on the line…


English translations of the poems in Hindi will be up on the page soon. Meanwhile enjoy the other content. Thanks for reading. 🙂

Filter Kaapi(फ़िल्टर कIपी)

उन दिनों से काफी वक्त हो गयादिल दिमाग सब कुछ रीत से सख्त हो गयाकाश के तुम कुछ बंदोबस्त कर जातीअपने गुज़िश्ता का तस्वीर छोड़ जाती।हम भी थे तुम भी थेपल्लू पकड़कर वो लड़की भीये दुनिया कितनी ज़ख्म दे गयीहमे हम जाने बिना सरफ़रोश कह गयी।अपने दायरे में रहना सीखिए जनाबसभी नर -नारी से कह…

On Raksha Bandhan (रक्षा बंधन पे )

शायद ये किसी का कसूर न होये हाथ हमेशा भाई के मुट्ठी पे न होअपने पैर पे खड़े होके जीना सीखा हैतू आगे भी कमज़ोर या मजबूर न हो Iकर आशा कि ये दुनिया बड़ी हो जायेहर लिंग को समान इज़्ज़त मिल जायेये रक्षा के बंधन बिन रिवाजइंसान को इंसान समझ दी जाये I Written…

I see You

Regale malevolence,Beyond those uncharted territories of coy,And Vagrant tentacles of warmth,Roams around in artA deardrie – plush sound aboundAches Somewhere black,Serenades swift bruises,Hoards shadows,Would succinctly bareDelectably draconianManicured sensibilities Of Everything. Note: Written 12.40 pm, Aug 1, 2020

On Hashtag Movements and Misinformation

Before you post another Black N White picture in the name of a challenge, Do take the time and kindly read this. Ernest Hemingway had a theory, like we all do. Or not. Depending on the day. However what Hemingway emphatically talked about was something fascinating called the Iceberg Theory. Not that difficult to understand…

Poisoned Apples

I have been climbing the stairs for long, White stairs and a fairly brown me, We make our haggard movements gay, A few but hard per day. Calibrated insects follow up in the air, Head sways to a rather kaleidoscopic dance, Body stays behind… A few red flowers and black leaves, Black, black derailed from…

360 Degrees

Today is not the day to give into fear Loosing perspective of all Things you hold dear… Sleep as if you are tumbling into an orange farm Citrus dreams out and about Yellow blankets, white masks, hard seeds of breath down the throat… 40 secs you try to count, hold your seeds don’t sow them…

Perpetual Slumber

To wake up from this stagnancy is a wish avant gardeWould you please knock damn it knock until you knock it off —It creeps on you and lies therein hard.At times, very few, the courage seeps inYou attempt, prod & tell your heart to smileto just stop dancing to nightmares !Prompt responses pile upTis not…